Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Old Monkey protecting Its Durians

Here's the latest about my fruits. That's me on a durian tree in my Bekenu land, after tying a rope (hardly visible  in the picture) from the branch to the main trunk, to prevent the branch from sagging further and collapsing from the weight of the growing durians. There are about 50 durians on this branch alone. They should mature in about a month's time if the monkeys--the furry kind, I mean--don't destroy them before then. More than a dozen of my durian trees are fruiting but none as prolific as this particular tree. Most trees have only between 15 to 20 fruits. I am expecting to share them with friends nearby and maybe some who are not so nearby if they can come by to claim them..


Friday, August 24, 2012

Pow-wow at Miri

Hi All,

Just to let you know that Wayland and Judy, Erwin, Mary and I had a mini reunion lunch at the Grand Palace Restaurant today.

All this came about when Wayland, who couldn't resist the temptation of my mangoes decided to make the trip from BSB to MIri to buy Mary and I lunch, as a belated birthday celebration for both himself and Judy. 

Erwin, who, at the eleventh hour, decided to give Wayland a surprise, arrived by air in the morning. Wayland drove home to BSB at about 4.00pm whilst  Erwin took the 6.00pm flight back to Kuching. Each went back with a small share of mangoes. We enjoyed ourselves just being together and up-dating one another.

Herewith a few photos of our time together.


Dirty Goose

The Goose showing off his giant 'Cavendish'

                                            The squirrel simply couldn't resist the mangoes

Everyone on diet, it appears !

Hi All,
Attached picture show the top comb of the Cavendish banana I harvested today------2 days too late for Wayland and Erwin to collect their share. This comb has a total of 25 bananas and weighs 6.8kg. There were altogether 8 combs in this bunch. I estimated the whole bunch to weigh about 40 kg. I've shared half the bunch with my neighbours already.

Dirty Goose

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Paul Yapp in Toronto

Steve Voon, Gus Bong and a mutual friend Robert Terro and their spouses recently met Paul who was on a short visit to Toronto.  Paul last met Steve many years ago but met Gus for the 1st time. They must have had a whale of a time filling in the many gaps over dinner.

                     L-R   Yvonne Bong, Norma Terro, Robert Terro, Paul, Steve & Violet Voon


Gus Bong is 2nd from left