Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Revival of this Blog

Today, all of a sudden,  I felt inclined to visit this Blog and I am glad I did.  There were "new" postings and really great pictures which I had not seen since my last visit. The latest was from Noel and that inspired me to make an attempt to revive this site. Then I noticed that Frank also had posted several photos which I missed.

It dawned on me that the reason I had eventually stopped visiting was the notion that nobody was interested. I suppose Frank and Noel also stopped because no one else was responding with comments or posting their thoughts. 

How about we give it another go ? Let's use this Blog to share experiences and opinions and news, the latest of which is the sad departure of Brother Albinus. His photo although not the most current will at least show the person we remember. 

He never taught me but I know him well from the "Gulag" days. We practically lived next to each other.

Frank, Noel, Will the Dirty Goose and especially Ewin and Ashari who have had real live experience with writing and editing, let's do this. DG, although you are "retired from retirement" and have less time to sit on your butt, thinking up interesting stories, we look forward to your photos of your fruits. Ewin, we always enjoy your essays because you make the simplest of subjects seem luxurious with your eloquence. Ashari and Shark are never short of exciting adventure tales. Gus, Steve and even Paul...who is an Honorary Josephian... have lots to contribute. Dare I mention Carlo K.K. Wong ? 

Let's do this.


  1. Wayland ...... are you sure Bro Albinus never taught you. Wasn't he our English guru form 4 & 5? Or was it Mr Kiu?

  2. You know, now that you mentioned it ...it was probably Brother Albinus. Mr. Kiu did teach us but I forget what subjects !! As a matter of fact memories of the Classrooms have become very hazy !!

    Good to see you back here Frank !

  3. Frank,.......frankly I do not remember !!! It was probably Bro. Albinus ! I thought Mr. Kiu taught us Math. History was definitely Babu and General Science, Mr. C. P. Abraham without a doubt.

  4. I can't remember Bro.Albinus ( who I heard was once paged at a local airport as 'Ali Bin Us') being ever in my class. I suspect that for many of us the memory of Mr. Abraham has stuck out indelibly, with his witty - bordering on derogatory - straight-faced diss at some of us when we shortfall (shortfell?)

    As for Mr. Babu, I kinda recall someone (could've been me ) who tagged him ' Boring Babu'. Why must his history class be always slotted for the last period ( read siesta ) of the day ?! Little wonder that my history grades were best left unmentioned during his tenure.


  5. Prompted by an email from Frank, I dropped in to see what has happened here since my last posting. Lo and behold there is a new insert by none other than Ewin. Although posted as "Anonymous" the style of writing..his way with words,,,gave him away. The "Win" at the end did not help either ! Great stuff 'Win ! If there were more I'd be the first to visit this blog more often.

    Frank, thanks for drawing my attention back to our Blog.
