Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lyrics tube
There should be songs for every one, whatever your favourites.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - $500 aphrodisiac - elephant's durian dung
A friend came across the following article and obviously thought I was in the market after having been told by Dr. Phil that I had some problems with an over-imaginative mind. Anyway he sent the article to me and I am sharing it with yous., which is a Blogsite within ASIAONE, allows it to be shared through other blogs and social networks. - $500 aphrodisiac - elephant's durian dung
I am a very big fan of Durian but certainly not after it's been through the digestive system of an elephant ...aphrodisiac or not.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Watch and listen to the TED presention :-
Interesting ? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wonder how is this related to Beauty is only skin deep ?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Diamond Head and Pipeline
Where were you during the era of "SURF " music ? What were you doing ? Who were you with ?
Surf music began during the mid 60s and early 70s. The Bands most associated with this kind of sound were The Beach Boys, The Chantays, Jan and Dean and many others. One particular band which stood out from the crowd were The Ventures and here they are with their brand of "Diamond Head and Pipeline. " We only listened to them before over the radio and through records, Now with the Internet and YouTube we can at last SEE them in action.
Alas two of them who are featured here, co-founder Bob Bogle and the drummer Mel Taylor, have passed on to join the heavenly band in the sky. Bob was the original Lead Guitarist but he switched places with original Bass player, Nokie Edwards who is not present in this particular lineup.
Enjoy and I hope this brought back some sweet memories for yous.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Rose and 33 Thorns
Joint my chant:
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Rose and 24 Thorns
The wonderful collage below was created by Francis in September 2010, and should have a proud place on this blog.
Do you notice one big omission? There is no photo of Francis!
Join my chorus

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Mini Reunion at ERAMA, Kuching - Ewin and Alice Wright's
Pete Kuek's Country Classic Fan Club Gathering
And as it appears, he still is ! Members of The Country Classic Fan Club of Kuching got together last month at the "Regal Court" (I dont remember the name of the Building but I know it's opposite our favourite Laksa place on the other side of the road.) and from the photos Pete posted, you can tell they had a Ball. Pete went as Sheriff LOBO who undoubtedly was very popular with the Cowgals ! Anyway, I 'll shut up and let the photos do the talking.

Cowgals, Candles and Cake !!!!
Oh they had a C & W Band as well...(background)
The Magnificent 6 ? What happened to 7th ?
Sheriff Lobo and his Deputies.....more than he can handle !

Sheriff Lobo arm-wrestling or square dancing ?
Our Golden Reunion 11-11-11 is just around the corner. Will we also have a BLAST ?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day Care Center
We are talking about the kids and that is when they are not in school. What about the Fathers when they are not at work...........or at the Golf Course ?
Someone who, in my books is a genius, has come up with a wonderful idea.....DAY CARE CENTER FOR HUSBANDS !

Wherever this is supposed to be, I would like to congratulate the owner of this Pub for such a brilliant idea.
He has created the perfect "Win/Win" situation : Wife happy because she knows where husband's at. Husband.....aiya sure happy can not happy when in a pub ! Got beer, got Coke, got Tapas and Peanuts, got friends to shoot the breeze with, got Dart Board and maybe a Pool Table, got Karaoke and most of all .....BILL SETTLED BY WIFE !
Sunday, November 7, 2010
As We Look Back
Noel definitely feels this song has a speshul place in his sentimental heart and will be very happy to share it with yous!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sexy Stuff
Professional Copy writers have a way to attract readers by their headings, captions and headlines when they produce promotional ads. We must try to do that. Here's my attempt :-
I hope that's "Sexy" enough for you ! Anyway I hope you enjoy it and will drop in again soon.
Friday, November 5, 2010
It is awfully quiet here in our blog so I thought I'd better liven it up with a humourous clip which a friend (Incidentally his surname is Yong) found on YouTube. This is a spoof done obviously by a Sabahan. Guess who he might be referring to as the "Sabahan Ip Man".
I reckon you all understand the "Sin On" Hakka opposed to the "Hoppo" Hakka of Kuching.
Enjoy :-
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Form 3 A 1959 - Brother Xavier
Here is a photo of Form 3 A of 1959 with Brother Xavier as the Class Master (I forget what you call them those days...the head teacher of the class).
I remember everyone but can only recognise :-
Gerald Lee, Gus Bong, Chan Kheng Lee, Pete Kuek, Noel Tan, Hong Siong, Ashari, Khun Jian, Sharkawi, Peter Nyaid, Simon Ngui, Gabriel Dan, Will Chang, Poh Lee Jin, James Lee, Yue Ching Hoi.

Sorry guys the photo is a bit faded so you'd have to put your Cut and Paste skills to work to see a larger and clearer picture. I copied and saved it as a .JPEG file to a speshul folder and then I used "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" to see an enlarged photo.
Can yous name the others ?