Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - $500 aphrodisiac - elephant's durian dung

How much would you pay for Aphrodisiac when it comes in the form of DURIAN ? Aha ! I got your attention there ...although I'm not sure whether it's "Aphrodisiac" or "Durian". As far as I'm concerned I would not pay SGD500.00 for aphrodiasiac - Holy Cow, nobody should be convinced there is such a thing by now !

A friend came across the following article and obviously thought I was in the market after having been told by Dr. Phil that I had some problems with an over-imaginative mind. Anyway he sent the article to me and I am sharing it with yous., which is a Blogsite within ASIAONE, allows it to be shared through other blogs and social networks. - $500 aphrodisiac - elephant's durian dung

I am a very big fan of Durian but certainly not after it's been through the digestive system of an elephant ...aphrodisiac or not.


  1. Erwin says durians are making their presence felt in Kuching , perhaps promising a bumper harvest soon . For better or for worse , there are no elephants in this neck-of-the-woods!

  2. Guys ! You heard what ther man said !!!! Another mini-reunion ? This time at a Durian Resort ?
