And as it appears, he still is ! Members of The Country Classic Fan Club of Kuching got together last month at the "Regal Court" (I dont remember the name of the Building but I know it's opposite our favourite Laksa place on the other side of the road.) and from the photos Pete posted, you can tell they had a Ball. Pete went as Sheriff LOBO who undoubtedly was very popular with the Cowgals ! Anyway, I 'll shut up and let the photos do the talking.

Cowgals, Candles and Cake !!!!
Oh they had a C & W Band as well...(background)
The Magnificent 6 ? What happened to 7th ?
Sheriff Lobo and his Deputies.....more than he can handle !

Sheriff Lobo arm-wrestling or square dancing ?
Our Golden Reunion 11-11-11 is just around the corner. Will we also have a BLAST ?
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