Their tribute to the late Phil Everly ......
St Joseph's Golden Reunion 11-11-11
Classes of 1959-1963
Monday, June 16, 2014
Friday, December 6, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
At The Reunion ....... 2 years ago
See many classmates meeting each other again after many many years as well as new-found schoolmates bear-hugging for the first time.
Thank you brother Alan Chan, for this great video !!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Billy Crystal and Robin Williams on getting older.
Two of Hollywoods' most popular comedians were opening acts for a function...The Oscars I think.... with this song which I think everyone of us can relate to. Watch and have fun :-
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Whole Lotta Shakin Andy Tielman Uerdingerhalle 30 04 2002
The late Andy Tielman was a Dutch/Indon Eurasian musician of the Sixties. His band was "The Tielman Brothers" and they were the pioneers of Rock and Roll in Indonesia. Watch this and be amazed :-
There will be more to come !
There will be more to come !
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Revival of this Blog
Today, all of a sudden, I felt inclined to visit this Blog and I am glad I did. There were "new" postings and really great pictures which I had not seen since my last visit. The latest was from Noel and that inspired me to make an attempt to revive this site. Then I noticed that Frank also had posted several photos which I missed.
It dawned on me that the reason I had eventually stopped visiting was the notion that nobody was interested. I suppose Frank and Noel also stopped because no one else was responding with comments or posting their thoughts.
How about we give it another go ? Let's use this Blog to share experiences and opinions and news, the latest of which is the sad departure of Brother Albinus. His photo although not the most current will at least show the person we remember.
He never taught me but I know him well from the "Gulag" days. We practically lived next to each other.
Frank, Noel, Will the Dirty Goose and especially Ewin and Ashari who have had real live experience with writing and editing, let's do this. DG, although you are "retired from retirement" and have less time to sit on your butt, thinking up interesting stories, we look forward to your photos of your fruits. Ewin, we always enjoy your essays because you make the simplest of subjects seem luxurious with your eloquence. Ashari and Shark are never short of exciting adventure tales. Gus, Steve and even Paul...who is an Honorary Josephian... have lots to contribute. Dare I mention Carlo K.K. Wong ?
Let's do this.
It dawned on me that the reason I had eventually stopped visiting was the notion that nobody was interested. I suppose Frank and Noel also stopped because no one else was responding with comments or posting their thoughts.
How about we give it another go ? Let's use this Blog to share experiences and opinions and news, the latest of which is the sad departure of Brother Albinus. His photo although not the most current will at least show the person we remember.
He never taught me but I know him well from the "Gulag" days. We practically lived next to each other.
Frank, Noel, Will the Dirty Goose and especially Ewin and Ashari who have had real live experience with writing and editing, let's do this. DG, although you are "retired from retirement" and have less time to sit on your butt, thinking up interesting stories, we look forward to your photos of your fruits. Ewin, we always enjoy your essays because you make the simplest of subjects seem luxurious with your eloquence. Ashari and Shark are never short of exciting adventure tales. Gus, Steve and even Paul...who is an Honorary Josephian... have lots to contribute. Dare I mention Carlo K.K. Wong ?
Let's do this.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
An Old Monkey protecting Its Durians
Here's the latest about my fruits. That's me on a durian tree in my Bekenu land, after tying a rope (hardly visible in the picture) from the branch to the main trunk, to prevent the branch from sagging further and collapsing from the weight of the growing durians. There are about 50 durians on this branch alone. They should mature in about a month's time if the monkeys--the furry kind, I mean--don't destroy them before then. More than a dozen of my durian trees are fruiting but none as prolific as this particular tree. Most trees have only between 15 to 20 fruits. I am expecting to share them with friends nearby and maybe some who are not so nearby if they can come by to claim them..
Friday, August 24, 2012
Pow-wow at Miri
Hi All,
Just to let you know that Wayland and Judy, Erwin, Mary and I had a mini reunion lunch at the Grand Palace Restaurant today.
All this came about when Wayland, who couldn't resist the temptation of my mangoes decided to make the trip from BSB to MIri to buy Mary and I lunch, as a belated birthday celebration for both himself and Judy.
Erwin, who, at the eleventh hour, decided to give Wayland a surprise, arrived by air in the morning. Wayland drove home to BSB at about 4.00pm whilst Erwin took the 6.00pm flight back to Kuching. Each went back with a small share of mangoes. We enjoyed ourselves just being together and up-dating one another.
Herewith a few photos of our time together.
Dirty Goose
The Goose showing off his giant 'Cavendish'
The squirrel simply couldn't resist the mangoes
Everyone on diet, it appears !
Hi All,
Attached picture show the top comb of the Cavendish banana I harvested today------2 days too late for Wayland and Erwin to collect their share. This comb has a total of 25 bananas and weighs 6.8kg. There were altogether 8 combs in this bunch. I estimated the whole bunch to weigh about 40 kg. I've shared half the bunch with my neighbours already.
Dirty Goose
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Paul Yapp in Toronto
Steve Voon, Gus Bong and a mutual friend Robert Terro and their spouses recently met Paul who was on a short visit to Toronto. Paul last met Steve many years ago but met Gus for the 1st time. They must have had a whale of a time filling in the many gaps over dinner.
Gus Bong is 2nd from left
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Little Dancers
On the night of 11/11/11, The Golden Reunion, we were entertained by two very cute little dancers Mason 10 and his sister Cordelia 8. They danced two numbers, the Cha Cha Cha and a Jitterbug Jive. Mason is in Primary 4 and Cordelia is in Primary 3 at Chung Hua Primary School No.4. The siblings are the grandchildren of Mr. Peter Kuek.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Lt. Col. Sharkawi Hasbie
Finally with assistance from Francis Shim in VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada and the wonderful world of the Internet I have managed to get this particular photo posted !
I have been trying in vain to post Sharki's photo but my computer simply refuse to obey my commands. Frank saw my draft in the blog and suggested by e mail that I sent the photo to him and he would try it from there and VOILA ! In five minutes it appeared in our blog. Great stuff Frank, you de man !!!!!
Here is Sharki delivering his version of "Aduh Seroja" which took us down memory lane to the 60s. I overheard someone say "Aiyooooo! Not bad man. He should have become a recording artist instead of an Airforce Pilot !" Later Sharki told me his first love is flying and besides he discovered his singing talent a little bit too late.
Aduh Seroja
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Girls of 6th Form SJS 62-63
Let us shelve Golden Reunion 11/11/11 temporarily and skip down memory lane to the years 1961 and 1963 when St. Joe was infiltrated by girls. Those of you who attended the 6th Form will know them and those who had left school then would surely be curious to know what they missed or did not.
I have come into possession of a couple of black and whites which are now rendered priceless. Take a look :-

Me, I'd say it's a good thing I didnt continue 6th Form. I'd have flunked anyway. How could anyone focus on studies with these gorgeous girls in the same classrooms. Dennis Chan Kheng Lee and K.J. Poh are extraordinary people.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
More photographs from the reunion and the day after
Gus Bong and Haji Ashari Manis.....together again after 50 years. It's been rumoured that they were two of the naughtiest in the class. Look at these cute faces....they DO look naughty dont they ?
Gerald organised a tour of the "Ole Alma Mater" on Saturday 12th November. These were the people who turned up.
At the School Stadium
Gus and Mrs. Yvonne Bong at the top of Green Mountain.
Yours truely, Melanie Wright and Dirty Goose at the temple entrance on top of Green Mountain
Gerald organised a tour of the "Ole Alma Mater" on Saturday 12th November. These were the people who turned up.
Standing from left : Alan Chan (Also rumoured to be one of the naughtiest in class); Bro. Charles (Also rumoured to be scariest of the La Salle Bros.); Gerald Lee (Rumoured to be the best Principal SJS); Kueh Hong Seng (Champion High Jumper...this is not rumour); Kueh Hong Siong ; William Chang ; Ewin Wright ;
Front Kneeling from left ; William "Dirty Goose" Ng; Peter "Sheriff Lobo" Kuek; Gus Bong and Capt. James Lee.
At the School Stadium
Gus and Mrs. Yvonne Bong at the top of Green Mountain.
Yours truely, Melanie Wright and Dirty Goose at the temple entrance on top of Green Mountain
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Band
On the night of the Golden Reunion 11/11/11 live music was provided by Jimmy Kueh, Gordon Sweeney, Patrick Sim, Awang and singers Rose Iwanaga and Gary "From the school down the road" Tay. Except for Rose and Gordon, these are non-professionals bound together by one thing in common...their love for music. Thus no thought was given to having a Band Name. Someone chose to call them "The Young ONCE" but, if given my way I'd call them "Blast from the Past". Rose of course was a recording artiste and Gordon was Music Director in Radio Sarawak.
They played tunes, popular during our schooldays, to stir up nostalgia and memories. The songs were played over the air in programs hosted by Anne Tan's Record Requests and Rock Kuek's Make Thine Music. Back then Jimmy was leader of The Tornadoes. Ashari Manis was the Lead Guitarist. In the crowd was a member of The Blue Rebels who were the other top band of that era..Erwin Wright who entertained us with a couple of songs in that polished elegant style of his.
Gary and Ewin doing "Hello Mary Lou".
Ewin supporting Gary with the harmonising second voice.
Gary bringing back memories with "Those were the days"
Jimmy and Pat tuning their guitars
Rose preparing to present her signature tune "Too Young"
Blast from the Past doing "Theme for Young Lovers"
Ewin and guest sing the Hokien version of The Platters' hit "Remember When."
They played tunes, popular during our schooldays, to stir up nostalgia and memories. The songs were played over the air in programs hosted by Anne Tan's Record Requests and Rock Kuek's Make Thine Music. Back then Jimmy was leader of The Tornadoes. Ashari Manis was the Lead Guitarist. In the crowd was a member of The Blue Rebels who were the other top band of that era..Erwin Wright who entertained us with a couple of songs in that polished elegant style of his.
Gary and Ewin doing "Hello Mary Lou".
Ewin supporting Gary with the harmonising second voice.
Ewin and guest sing the Hokien version of The Platters' hit "Remember When."
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
More Fotos from Gus Bong
Our Amoi dancing with "Life of the party" Gus Bong as Captain James sings a love song. Regretably we had too few of these.
On the way back from "Green Mountain" we decided to go down to the river
and see Kuching from the other side. The Red Rose in the middle of all those thorns is of course our Amoi, Amy.
The thorns are (From left) : Kueh Hong Siong, Kueh Hong Seng, William Chang, Bill "Dirty Goose" Ng, Capt. James Lee, Bro. Charles, Gus Bong, Peter Quek, David d'Alwis, Szeto Chee Cheong
Saturday Night Dinner at the Heritage hosted by Capt James Lee.
Gus Bong is between Suzanne Majorie Banks (His long lost cousin) and Mary (Mrs. Dirty Goose)
William "Dirty Goose" Ng, James Lee, Gus Bong, David d'Alwis, Erwin Wright and Amy's right arm.
Amy and Erwin. They were supposed to do the Cha Cha Cha but the Emcee got " sabo" by some people who "sapu" the microphones and didnt want to let go.
This one came from Noel Tan :-
Bill Chapman and Joan Tai. Bill read us a poem and presented Bro. Charles a Rugby Book. Joan of course is Georgina's (Mrs. Noel Tan) sister.
Post Golden Reunion
I cant believe it ! After waiting two long years, it's over. The Josephians' Golden Reunion for classes 59-63 had come and gone as if with a snap of the fingers. Time flies !
This short post is to announce the coming of several more with photographs and snippets of the many joyful incidents which, forgotten now, will come to mind later.
It was a success ! The atmosphere was almost charged with static electricity generated by the amount of excited hand-shakes and bear hugs as old acquaintances were renewed, faces recognised and childhood memories rekindled. The main aim of the reunion was obviously
achieved. The party itself was also well received and particulars will be posted later.
Now, for some photos ! These were sent in by Gus Bong :-
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Class of 59-63 Golden Reunion
Over 90 ex-Josephians attend reunion dinner

HELLO, OLD FRIEND: Lee (centre) greets his former schoolmates during the St Joseph’s School Grand Reunion Dinner.
November 11, 2011
More than 90 ex-Josephians from the classes of 1959 to 1963 attended a reunion dinner at Regal Hotel here on Friday.
As 1961 was taken as the centre point, the significant date of 11.11.11 marks the 50th year of reunion or a golden jubilee for the alumni.
“In 1961, there were at least 100 students in the school,” said Erwin Wright, spokesperson for the organising committee.
Former student and principal of St Joseph’s, Gerald Lee, read out a message from Brother Albinus, an ex-principal and the advisor to the La Sallean Foundation here as he was away on a field trip.
In his message, he disclosed that the proposed new St Joseph Private School in Kuching would open its door to an initial enrolment of 120 pupils from January next year.
Tender for the new RM8.5 million building, situated at
Satok Road (behind Rumah Dayak) has been awarded and construction is scheduled to start next month.
Proposed by the Catholic Arch-Diocese here and the La Sallean Foundation, the project has the support of the Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud as well as parents in and around the state capital.
Three Form 1 classes and one each of Primary 1 and 2 classes will be run by the Jesuit Priests and Franciscan Sisters temporarily at the St Bernadette School at Reservoir Road.
Brother Albinus said the building committee was still short of RM3 million which it hoped would be topped up from generous public donations.
Monies collected from the reunion dinner were handed over to the Old Boys Association by Datuk Wong Kie Yee to the treasurer of the association, Aloysius Wee.
Among the activities held during the dinner was a slideshow presented by William Ng on the nostalgic moments of the students at the school.
A ballroom dancing event was also held accompanied by renditions of golden oldies played by prominent musicians to liven up the night.
From the lens of Noel Tan .......
Bro. Charles addressing the reunion
Brunei idol ... David, crooning oldies for his peers
Honoured Guests
more to come ....
Monday, March 28, 2011
Will Ng and Gerald Lee....younger days in Marudi
Dark clouds are looming in the sky promising a heavy downpour. I decided that this is omen enough to abandon the home repairs project I had started on and seek shelter within. In other words, procrastination once again wins the day.
I ease into my easychair in front of my PC and start browsing facebook. Lo and behold I see a posting by a friend who used to be a pupil in the Marudi Government Secondary English School. There among the dozen or so of black and white photos, stands out two which attracts me most.
I am pleased to show them below and hope that the school will not seek legal retribution against me for posting them without permission. Anyway they were in facebook and is accessible to all.

You will have to get in touch with William and Gerald to find out when these photos were taken and maybe even get interesting stories from them about those days.
By the way, strong winds came and blew those threatening clouds away. It is bright and shiny now but I'm way too comfortable to want to resume chores.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Bill's & Mary's Pride
Somewhere in Miri ...........
A part of their well organized garden that's utilized to grow a zillion types of fruits and veggies
Exceptionally healthy and sumptuous looking papayas. Wonder how much longer will they grow?
Oooooh so very looooooooog beans! Bill must have been daily-peeing on them for extra fertiliser.
And they even manufacture belachan!!
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